⚙️ Why asset utilization matters and become a form of user acquisition
Bullish on foobar and bullish on bear market babies like Delegate
🤝 we'll see some interesting applications around that soon I bet
Interesting - you think this kills off soul bound NFTs?
Don't think so, different use cases.
Great newsletter! Foobar has been crushing the dappe surrounding delegation and makes crypto much easier to use!
Agreed! I don’t think I’ve really appreciated what he’s building until now.
Keen on seeing how it’ll be used beyond the simple/obvious use case, and how builders see it as a tool vs a potential threat
Bullish on foobar and bullish on bear market babies like Delegate
🤝 we'll see some interesting applications around that soon I bet
Interesting - you think this kills off soul bound NFTs?
Don't think so, different use cases.
Great newsletter! Foobar has been crushing the dappe surrounding delegation and makes crypto much easier to use!
Agreed! I don’t think I’ve really appreciated what he’s building until now.
Keen on seeing how it’ll be used beyond the simple/obvious use case, and how builders see it as a tool vs a potential threat